Journal papers – Research
- [A-1]
R. Malti, M. R. Rapaić, and V. Turkulov. “A unified framework for robust stability analysis of linear irrational systems in the parametric space”. In: Annual Reviews in Control (2024). doi: 10 . 1016 / j . arcontrol . 2024 . 100935. url: JCR IF: 9.4, Q1.
- [A-2]
A. Rauh and R. Malti. “Quantification of Time-Domain Truncation Errors for the Reinitialization of Fractional Integrators”. In: Acta Cybernetica 26.1 (Oct. 2023), pp. 105–128. doi: 10 . 14232 / actacyb . 296010. url: JCR IF: en cours d’indexation, Q4.
- [A-3]
V. Turkulov, M. Rapaić, and R. Malti. “A novel approach to stability analysis of a wide class of irrational linear systems”. In: Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis (Jan. 2023). doi: 10 . 1007 / s13540 - 022 - 00126 - z. url: JCR IF: 3.0, Q1.
- [A-4]
V. Turkulov, M. R. Rapaić, and R. Malti. “Stability analysis of time-delay systems in the parametric space”. In: Automatica (Nov. 2023). doi: 10.1016/j.automatica. 2023.111220. url: JCR IF: 6.4, Q1.
- [A-5]
R. Malti, A. Mayoufi, and S. Victor. “Experiment design for elementary fractional models”. In: Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 110 (2022), p. 106337. doi: 10 . 1016 / j . cnsns . 2022 . 106337. url: JCR IF: 3.9, Q1.
- [A-6]
S. Victor, A. Mayoufi, R. Malti, M. Chetoui, and M. Aoun. “System identification of MISO fractional systems: Parameter and differentiation order estimation”. In: Automatica 141 (2022), p. 110268. doi: 10 . 1016 / j . automatica . 2022 . 110268. url: JCR IF: 6.4, Q1.
- [A-7]
A. Mayoufi, S. Victor, M. Chetoui, R. Malti, and M. Aoun. “Output error MISO system identification using fractional models”. In: Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 24.5 (2021), pp. 1601–1618. doi: doi:10.1515/fca-2021-0067. url: JCR IF: 3.0, Q1.
- [A-8]
G. Bel Haj Frej, R. Malti, M. Aoun, and T. Raïssi. “Fractional interval observers and initialization of fractional systems”. In: Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 82 (2020), p. 105030. doi: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2019.105030. url: JCR IF: 3.9, Q1.
- [A-9]
M. R. Rapaić and R. Malti. “On stability regions of fractional systems in the space of perturbed orders”. In: IET Control Theory & Applications 13 (2019). doi: 10. 1049/iet-cta.2018.6350. url: JCR IF: 2.6, Q1-Q2.
- [A-10]
S. Abrashov, R. Malti, X. Moreau, M. Moze, F. Aioun, and F. Guillemard. “Optimal input design for continuous-time system identification”. In: Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 20 (2018), pp. 92–99. doi: 10.1016/j.cnsns. 2017.12.013. url:
- [A-11]
S. Abrashov, R. Malti, M. Moze, X. Moreau, F. Aioun, and F. Guillemard. “Simple and Robust Experiment Design for System Identification using Fractional Models”. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62.6 (2017), pp. 2648–2658. doi: 10.1109/TAC. 2016.2614910. url:
- [A-12]
M. Chevrié, J. Sabatier, Ch. Farges, and R. Malti. “H2-norm computation of a class of implicit fractional transfer functions: application to approximation by integer order models”. In: International Journal of Dynamics and Control 5 (2017), pp. 95–101. doi: 10.1007/s40435-015-0156-3. url:
- [A-13]
E. Ivanova, R. Malti, and X. Moreau. “Identification fréquentielle de systèmes par modèle non entier en utilisant la méthode des sous-espaces”. In: Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés (JESA) 50.1-2 (2017), pp. 117–135. doi: 10.3166/jesa.50. 117-135.
- [A-14]
E. Ivanova, X. Moreau, and R. Malti. “Stability and resonance conditions of second-order fractional systems”. In: Journal of Vibration and Control (2016), pp. 1–15. doi: 10. 1177/1077546316654790. url: 10.1177/1077546316654790.
- [A-15]
E. Ivanova, R. Malti, and X. Moreau. “Time-domain simulation of MIMO fractional systems”. In: Nonlinear Dynamics 84.4 (2016), pp. 2057–2068. doi: 10.1007/s11071- 016-2628-1. url: 10.1007/s11071-016-2628-1.
- [A-16]
S. Victor, P. Melchior, R. Malti, and A. Oustaloup. “Robust motion planning for a heat rod process”. In: Nonlinear Dynamics 86.2 (2016), pp. 1271–1283. doi: 10.1007/ s11071-016-2963-2. url: 10.1007/s11071-016-2963-2.
- [A-17]
J.K. Popović, D.T. Spasić, J. Tošić, J.L. Kolarović, R. Malti, I.M. Mitić, S. Pilipović, and T.M. Atanacković. “Fractional model for pharmacokinetics of high dose methotrexate in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia”. In: Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 22.1-3 (2015), pp. 451–471. doi: 10 . 1016 / j . cnsns . 2014 . 08 . 014. url:
- [A-18]
R. Malti, M. Chevrié, Ch. Farges, and J. Sabatier. “H2-norm of fractional transfer functions of implicit type”. In: Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 26 (2015), pp. 223–237. doi: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2015.02.015. url:
- [A-19]
F. Khemane, R. Malti, and X. Moreau. “Fractional modeling of driver’s dynamics. Part2: set membership approach for steering feel and visual feedback”. In: Journal of Applied and Nonlinear Dynamics (JAND) 3.3 (2014), pp. 215–226. doi: 10.5890/JAND.2014. 09.002.
- [A-20]
A. Maachou, R. Malti, P. Melchior, J.-L. Battaglia, A. Oustaloup, and B. Hay. “Nonlinear thermal system identification using fractional Volterra series”. In: Control Engineering Practice 29 (2014), pp. 50–60. doi: 10.1016/j.conengprac.2014.02.023. url:
- [A-21]
X. Moreau, F. Khemane, R. Malti, and J.-L. Mermoz. “Fractional modeling of driver’s dynamics. Part1: passive feedback and steering wheel/hand link”. In: Journal of Applied and Nonlinear Dynamics (JAND) 3.3 (2014), pp. 203–214. doi: 10.5890/JAND.2014. 09.001.
- [A-22]
J.-L. Battaglia, A. Maachou, R. Malti, and P. Melchior. “Nonlinear heat diffusion simulation using Volterra series expansion”. In: International journal of thermal sciences 71 (2013), pp. 80–87. doi: 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2013.03.016.
- [A-23]
M. Chetoui, R. Malti, M. Aoun, M. Thomassin, M. N. Abdelkrim, and A. Oustaloup. “Continuous-time system identification with fractional models from noisy input/output measurements using third-order cumulants”. In: Transactions on Systems, Signals & Devices TSSD 8.1 (2013), pp. 63–84.
- [A-24]
M. Chetoui, M. Thomassin, R. Malti, M. Aoun, S. Najar, M. N. Abdelkrim, and A. Oustaloup. “New consistent methods for order and coefficient estimation of continuous-time errors-in-variables fractional models”. In: Computers & Mathematics with Applications 66.5 (2013), pp. 860–872. doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2013.04.028. url:
- [A-25]
P. Lanusse, R. Malti, and P. Melchior. “CRONE Control-System Design Toolbox for the control engineering Community”. In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 371.1990 (2013), p. 20120149. doi: 10.1098/rsta.2012.0149.
- [A-26]
C.F. Lorenzo, T.T. Hartley, and R. Malti. “Application of the principal fractional meta-trigonometric functions for the solution of linear commensurate-order time-invariant fractional differential equations”. In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 371.1990 (2013), p. 20120151. doi: 10.1098/rsta.2012.0151.
- [A-27]
R. Malti. “A note on Lp-norms of fractional systems”. In: Automatica 49.9 (2013), pp. 2923–2927. doi: 10 . 1016 / j . automatica . 2013 . 06 . 002. url:
- [A-28]
R. Malti and M. Thomassin. “Differentiation similarities in fractional pseudo-state space representations and the subspace-based methods”. In: Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 16 (1 2013), pp. 273–287. doi: 10.2478/s13540-013-0017-8.
- [A-29]
S. Victor, R. Malti, H. Garnier, and A. Oustaloup. “Parameter and differentiation order estimation in fractional models”. In: Automatica 49.4 (2013), pp. 926–935. doi: 10.1016/j.automatica.2013.01.026. url:
- [A-30]
F. Khemane, R. Malti, T. Raïssi, and X. Moreau. “Robust estimation of fractional models in the frequency domain using set membership methods”. In: Signal Processing 92 (2012), pp. 1591–1601. doi: 10.1016/j.sigpro.2011.12.008.
- [A-31]
A. Maachou, R. Malti, P. Melchior, J.-L. Battaglia, A. Oustaloup, and B. Hay. “Séries de Volterra non entières appliquées à l’identification de systèmes thermiques non linéaires”. In: Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés (JESA) 46.6-7 (2012), pp. 649–672. doi: 10.3166/jesa.46.649-672.
- [A-32]
A. Maachou, R. Malti, P. Melchior, J.-L. Battaglia, A. Oustaloup, and B. Hay. “Thermal system identification using fractional models for high temperature levels around different operating points”. In: Nonlinear Dynamics 70.2 (2012), pp. 941–950. doi: 10.1007/ s11071-012-0507-y.
- [A-33]
R. Malti, P. Melchior, P. Lanusse, and A. Oustaloup. “Object oriented CRONE toolbox for fractional differential signal processing”. In: Signal Image and Video Processing 6.3 (2012), pp. 393–400. doi: 10.1007/s11760-012-0323-3.
- [A-34]
R. Malti, M. Aoun, F. Levron, and A. Oustaloup. “Analytical computation of the H2 -norm of fractional commensurate transfer functions”. In: Automatica 47.11 (2011), pp. 2425–2432. doi: 10.1016/j.automatica.2011.08.021.
- [A-35]
R. Malti, X. Moreau, F. Khemane, and A. Oustaloup. “Stability and resonance conditions of elementary fractional transfer functions”. In: Automatica 47.11 (2011), pp. 2462–2467. doi: 10 . 1016 / j . automatica . 2011 . 08 . 029. url:
- [A-36]
R. Malti, T. Raïssi, M. Thomassin, and F. Khemane. “Set membership parameter estimation of fractional models based on bounded frequency domain data”. In: Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 15.4 (2010), pp. 927–938. doi: 10 . 1016 / j . cnsns . 2009 . 05 . 005. url:
- [A-37]
J. Sabatier, M. Merveillaut, R. Malti, and A. Oustaloup. “How to impose physically coherent initial conditions to a fractional system?” In: Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 15.5 (2010), pp. 1318–1326. doi: 10 . 1016 / j . cnsns . 2009 . 05 . 070. url:
- [A-38]
R. Malti, S. Victor, and A. Oustaloup. “Advances in system identification using fractional models”. In: Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 3.2 (2008), pp. 021401, 1–7. doi: 10.1115/1.2833910.
- [A-39]
M. Aoun, R. Malti, F. Levron, and A. Oustaloup. “Synthesis of fractional Laguerre basis for system approximation”. In: Automatica 43.9 (2007), pp. 1640–1648. doi: 10.1016/ j.automatica.2007.02.013.
- [A-40]
M. Aoun, R. Malti, F. Levron, and A. Oustaloup. “Numerical simulations of fractional systems: an overview of existing methods and improvements”. In: Nonlinear Dynamics 38.1-4 (2004), pp. 117–131. doi: 10.1007/s11071-004-3750-z.
- [A-41]
L. Thiaw, M. Rybnik, R. Malti, A. Chebira, and K. Madani. “A comparative study between a multi-models based approach and an artificial neural network based technique for nonlinear systems identification”. In: International Journal of Computing 3.1 (2004), pp. 66–74.
- [A-42]
R. Malti, S.B. Ekongolo, and J. Ragot. “Dynamic SISO and MISO system approximations based on optimal Laguerre models”. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 43.9 (1998), pp. 1318–1323. doi: 10.1109/9.718626.
- [A-43]
R. Malti, D. Maquin, and J. Ragot. “Bilateral decomposition of a time function into Laguerre series. Application to LTI system identification”. In: Journal of the Franklin Institute 335B.5 (1998), pp. 851–869. doi: 10.1016/S0016-0032(97)00015-X.
Journal papers – Pedagogy
- [PA-1]
R. Malti and M. Leyney. “Do Ré Mi Fa Sol La S T M 32”. In: J3eA - Journal sur l’enseignement des sciences et technologies de l’information et des systèmes 22.Hors série 1 (2023). Selected CETSIS 2023 conference paper to appear in the journal. doi: 10.1051/j3ea/20231037.
- [PA-2]
R. Malti and M. Leyney. “Projet pluridisciplinaire : Identification, Commande et Supervision d’un MCC à partir du STM32”. In: GeSi Revue des départements de Génie Electrique & Informatique Industrielle (2021), pp. 12–15. url:
- [PA-3]
R. Malti. “Editorial - Conclusions du 42e colloque pédagogique national des départements GEII”. In: GeSi Revue des départements de Génie Electrique & Informatique Industrielle 86 (Dec. 2015), p. 2. url:
- [PA-4]
R. Malti. “Editorial - Invitation au 42e colloque pédagogique national des départements GEII”. In: GeSi Revue des départements de Génie Electrique & Informatique Industrielle 85 (June 2015), p. 2. url:
- [PA-5]
S. Bouter, R. Malti, and C. Armand. “Identification et commande d’un groupe variateur de vitesse : une approche inter-disciplinaire”. In: J3eA - Journal sur l’enseignement des sciences et technologies de l’information et des systèmes 8.Hors série 1 (2009). doi: 10.1051/j3ea:2008043.
- [PA-6]
S. Bouter, R. Malti, and C. Armand. “Identification et commande d’un groupe variateur de vitesse : une approche inter-disciplinaire”. In: GeSi Revue des départements de Génie Electrique & Informatique Industrielle 71 (2008), pp. 27–34.
- [P-1]
S. Abrashov, F. Aioun, F. Guillemard, X. Moreau, and R. Malti. “Système de planification de trajectoire de véhicule automobile”. FR 3066627 A1. Nov. 2018.
- [P-2]
S. Abrashov, F. Aioun, F. Guillemard, R. Malti, and X. Moreau. “Procédé et dispositif d’assistance d’un conducteur de véhicule à conduite autonome, notamment lors d’une reprise de contrôle manuel”. FR3063958 A1. Sept. 2018.
- [P-3]
A. Taymans, F. Aioun, F. Guillemard, R. Malti, P. Melchior, and A. Servel. “Dispositif de régulation d’une consigne d’un système par combinaison d’une boucle fermée de correction et d’une boucle ouverte de compensation à filtre fractionnaire”. FR 3054047 A1. Jan. 2018.
- [P-4]
S. Abrashov, F. Aioun, F. Guillemard, M. Moze, X. Moreau, and R. Malti. “Système d’assistance, fonction de la contribution du conducteur du véhicule”. FR3048943 A1. Sept. 2017.
- [P-5]
S. Abrashov, F. Aioun, F. Guillemard, M. Moze, R. Malti, and X. Moreau. “Dispositif de surveillance du conducteur d’un véhicule”. FR3049106 A1. Sept. 2017.
- [P-6]
G. Grégoire, F. Ragot, J. Sabatier, A. Oustaloup, and R. Malti. “Système d’estimation de l’état de charge de moyens de stockage d’énergie électrique de véhicule et procédé de calibrage”. FR2877097 (France). 2006.
- [P-7]
F. Ragot, G. Grégoire, J. Sabatier, A. Oustaloup, and R. Malti. “System for determining the state of charge of electricity storage units of vehicles”. EP1653241 (Europe). 2006.
- [P-8]
F. Ragot, G. Grégoire, J. Sabatier, A. Oustaloup, and R. Malti. “Système de détermination de l’état de charge de moyens de stockage d’énergie électrique de véhicule”. FR2877095 (France). 2006.
Book chapters
- [B-1]
M. Chetoui, R. Malti, M. Aoun, M. Thomassin, M.N. Abdelkrim, and A. Oustaloup. “Continuous-time system identification with fractional models from noisy input/output measurements using third-order cumulants”. In: Advances in Systems, Signals and Devices. Ed. by Nabil Derbel, Faouzi Derbel, and Olfa Kanoun. Vol. 5. Systems, Automation, and Control. De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, pp. 125–144. doi: 10.1515/ 9783110470468-008. url:
- [B-2]
X. Moreau, F. Khemane, R. Malti, and P. Serrier. “New Trends in Nanotechnology and Fractional Calculus Applications”. In: Springer, 2010. Chap. Approximation of a fractance by a network of four identical RC cells arranged in gamma and a purely capacitive cell, pp. 107–120.
- [B-3]
R. Malti, X. Moreau, and F. Khemane. “New Trends in Nanotechnology and Fractional Calculus Applications”. In: Springer, 2010. Chap. Resonance and stability conditions for fractional transfer functions of the second kind, pp. 429–444.
- [B-4]
R. Malti, M. Aoun, F. Levron, and A. Oustaloup. “Fractional Differentiation and its Applications. Vol. 1 – Mathematical tools, geometrical and physical aspects”. In: Germany: U-Books, 2005. Chap. Unified construction of fractional generalized orthogonal bases, pp. 87–102.
- [B-5]
L. Thiaw, K. Madani, R. Malti, and G. Sow. “Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Computational Intelligence and Bioinspired Systems”. In: Springer, 2005. Chap. Multi-modeling: A Different Way to Design Intelligent Predictors, pp. 976–984.
Conference proceedings – Plenary talks (Research)
- [C-1]
R. Malti. “A universal framework for guaranteed stability analysis of irrational systems”. In: The IEEE International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (ICFDA). Semi-plenary invited speaker. Ajman, UAE, Mar. 2023. url:
- [C-2]
R. Malti. “Some new results on stability of incommensurate fractional systems and their Lp-norms ”. In: 8th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic, and Computer Engineering ICETRAN. Semi-plenary invited speaker. Ethno Village, Stanišići, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina: Academic Mind, Belgrade, 2021, pp. 1–8. url:
Conference proceedings – Regular (Research)
- [C-3]
A. Adel, R. Malti, and O. Briat. “Time-domain system identification of Li-ion batteries from non-zero initial conditions”. In: 22nd IFAC World Congress. Vol. 56. 2. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Yokohama, Japan, July 2023, pp. 6111–6116. doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.707. url:
- [C-4]
A. Mestrah, M. Pouliquen, R. Malti, and E. Pigeon. “Guaranteed phase margin performance in closed-loop control of linear irrational systems”. In: 22nd IFAC World Congress. Vol. 56. 2. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Yokohama, Japan, July 2023, pp. 3290–3295. doi: 10 . 1016 / j . ifacol . 2023 . 10 . 1471. url:
- [C-5]
R. Malti, P. Lanusse, and M. R. Rapaić. “Guaranteed phase margin performance in closed-loop control of linear irrational systems”. In: 22nd IFAC World Congress. Vol. 56. 2. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Yokohama, Japan, July 2023, pp. 11389–11394. doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.424. url:
- [C-6]
R. Malti, M.R. Rapaić, and V. Turkulov. “Stability analysis of incommensurate fractional systems based on interval arithmetics”. In: The IEEE International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (ICFDA). Ajman, UAE, Mar. 2023. doi: 10.1109/ICFDA58234.2023.10153359.
- [C-7]
S. Victor and R. Malti. “CRONE Toolbox for system identification and modeling using fractional differentiation models”. In: 22nd IFAC World Congress. Vol. 56. 2. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Yokohama, Japan, July 2023, pp. 120–125. doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.1556. url:
- [C-8]
S. Victor, R. Malti, and A. Mayoufi. “Global terrestrial temperature modeling by using fractional models”. In: 22nd IFAC World Congress. Vol. 56. 2. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Yokohama, Japan, July 2023, pp. 3302–3307. doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.1473. url:
- [C-9]
S. Victor, R. Malti, and A. Mayoufi. “System identification of the global climate temperature by Output Error Method”. In: The IEEE International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (ICFDA). Ajman, UAE, Mar. 2023. doi: 10.1109/ICFDA58234.2023.10153210.
- [C-10]
R. Malti, M. R. Rapaić, and V. Turkulov. “Robust stability analysis of linear systems”. In: Joint IFAC Conference : SSSC - TDS - LPVS. Discussion paper. Montréal, Canada, 2022.
- [C-11]
R. Malti, M. R. Rapaić, and V. Turkulov. “Stability analysis of incommensurate elementary fractional systems using interval arithmetics”. In: International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (ICFDA). Warsaw, Poland, 2021. url:
- [C-12]
A. Mayoufi, S. Victor, R. Malti, M. Chetoui, and M. Aoun. “An optimal instrumental variable approach for continuous-time multiple input-single output fractional model identification”. In: 21st IFAC World Congress. Vol. 53. 2. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Berlin, Germany, 2020, pp. 3701–3706. doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.2055. url:
- [C-13]
A. Rauh and R. Malti. “Quantification of Time-Domain Truncation Errors for the Reinitialization of Fractional Integrators”. In: The 19th int. Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Verified Numerical Computations (SCAN). University of Szeged, Hungary, 2020.
- [C-14]
V. Turkulov, M. Rapaić, and R. Malti. “Stability of time-delay linear systems”. In: ETRAN Proceedings. Serbia: Academic Mind, Belgrade, 2019, pp. 213–218. url:
- [C-15]
E. Ivanova, R. Malti, and X. Moreau. “Pseudo-state-space fractional system identification”. In: The International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (ICFDA). Amman, Jordan, 2018. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3277704. url:
- [C-16]
R. Malti, A. Mayoufi, and S. Victor. “Experiment design for system identification using fractional models of the second kind”. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 18th IFAC SYmposium on System IDentification (SYSID). Vol. 51. 15. Stockholm, Sweden, 2018, pp. 371–376. doi: 10 . 1016 / j . ifacol . 2018 . 09 . 173. url:
- [C-17]
S. Abrashov, T. Airmitoaie, P. Lanusse, F. Aioun, R. Malti, X. Moreau, and F. Guillemard. “Robust model predictive control tuning: methods and issues. Application for the steering wheel position control”. In: 20th IFAC World Congress. Toulouse, France, July 2017, pp. 11331–11336. doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.1668.
- [C-18]
Rachid Malti and Milan Rapaić. “Sufficient stability conditions of fractional systems with perturbed differentiation orders”. In: 20th IFAC World Congress. Vol. 50. 1. Toulouse, France, 2017, pp. 14557–14562. doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.2091. url:
- [C-19]
R. Malti and M. R. Rapaić. “Sufficient stability conditions of fractional systems with perturbed differentiation orders”. In: 20th IFAC World Congress. Toulouse, France, July 2017, pp. 14557–14562. doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.2091.
- [C-20]
A. Taymans, P. Melchior, R. Malti, F. Aioun, F. Guillemard, and A. Servel. “Cruise Control of an Electric Vehicle through fractional linear feedforward & prefiltering of an acceleration reference signal”. In: 20th IFAC World Congress. Toulouse, France, July 2017, pp. 12569–12574. doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.2197.
- [C-21]
S. Abrashov, M. Moze, X. Moreau, R. Malti, F. Aioun, and F. Guillemard. “Generalized driver steering model based on similarities in visual-based and optimal preview controls”. In: European Control Conference (ECC). Aalborg, Denmark, June–July 2016, pp. 1–6. doi: 10.1109/ECC.2016.7810412.
- [C-22]
E. Ivanova, R. Malti, and X. Moreau. “Time-domain system identification with fractional differentiation models: a study of filtering methods”. In: International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (ICFDA). Novi Sad, Serbia, July 2016.
- [C-23]
R.M. Rapaić and R. Malti. “Stability of fractional incommensurate systems”. In: International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (ICFDA). Novi Sad, Serbia, July 2016.
- [C-24]
A. Taymans, P. Melchior, R. Malti, F. Aioun, F. Guillemard, and A. Servel. “Fractional linear feedforward design: application to the cruise control of an electric vehicle”. In: International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (ICFDA). Novi Sad, Serbia, July 2016.
- [C-25]
S. Abrashov, M. Moze, X. Moreau, R. Malti, and F. Guillemard. “Identification optimale de la dynamique du conducteur”. In: 6ème Journées Doctorales et Journées Nationales du GDR MACS du CNRS (JDMACS-JNMACS). Bourges, France, June 2015.
- [C-26]
S. Abrashov, M. Moze, X. Moreau, R. Malti, and F. Guillemard. “Optimal experiment design for driver steering dynamics identification”. In: European Control Conference (ECC). Linz, Austria, July 2015, pp. 2120–2125. doi: 10.1109/ECC.2015.7330853.
- [C-27]
S. Abrashov, R. Malti, M. Moze, X. Moreau, and F. Guillemard. “Optimal input design for continuous-time system identification: application to fractional systems”. In: 17th IFAC SYmposium on System IDentification (SYSID). Beijing, China, Oct. 2015, pp. 1307–1312. doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.12.312.
- [C-28]
M. Chevrié, Ch. Farges, Sabatier J., and R. Malti. “H2-norm of a class of fractional transfer functions suited for modelling diffusive phenomena”. In: American Control Conference (ACC). Chicago, IL, USA, July 2015, pp. 2199–2204. doi: 10.1109/ACC. 2015.7171059.
- [C-29]
E. Ivanova, R. Malti, and X. Moreau. “Identification fréquentielle de systèmes par modèle non-entier en utilisant la méthode des sous-espaces”. In: Journées Doctorales et Journées Nationales du GDR MACS du CNRS (JDMACS-JNMACS). Bourges, France, June 2015.
- [C-30]
R. Malti and S. Victor. “CRONE Toolbox for system identification using fractional differentiation models”. In: 17th IFAC SYmposium on System IDentification (SYSID). Beijing, China, Oct. 2015. doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.12.223.
- [C-31]
M. Chetoui, M. Thomassin, R. Malti, M. Aoun, and M.N. Abdelkrim. “Fourth order cumulants in EIV system identification using fractional models. An electronic application.” In: The IEEE International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (ICFDA). Catania, Italy, June 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICFDA.2014.6967436.
- [C-32]
M. Chevrié, R. Malti, Ch. Farges, and J. Sabatier. “H2-norm of fractional transfer functions of implicit type of the first kind”. In: 19th IFAC World Congress. Cape Town, South Africa, Aug. 2014, pp. 2022–2027. doi: 10.3182/20140824-6-ZA-1003.01458.
- [C-33]
C. Dolićanin, R. Malti, and D. T. Spasić. “Post’s inversion formula 85 years latter”. In: 3rd international conference on contemporary problems of mathematics, mechanics and informatics. Novi Pazar, Serbia, 2014.
- [C-34]
E. Ivanova, R. Malti, and X. Moreau. “Frequency-domain subspace system identification with fractional differentiation models”. In: Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA), 2014 IEEE/ASME 10th International Conference on. Senigalia, Italy, Sept. 2014, pp. 1–6. doi: 10.1109/MESA.2014.6935536.
- [C-35]
R. Malti, S. Abrashov, M. Moze, and X. Moreau. “Experiment design in system identification using fractional models”. In: The IEEE International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (ICFDA). Catania, Italy, June 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICFDA.2014.6967400.
- [C-36]
R. Malti, M. Chevrié, Ch. Farges, and J. Sabatier. “Lp-norm boundedness conditions of stable Davidson-Cole filters”. In: The IEEE International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (ICFDA). Catania, Italy, June 2014. doi: 10. 1109/ICFDA.2014.6967390.
- [C-37]
M. Chetoui, R. Malti, M. Thomassin, S. Najar, M. Aoun, M.N. Abdelkrim, and A. Oustaloup. “Fourth-order cumulants based method for continuous-time EIV fractional model identification”. In: 10th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, SSD2013. IEEE. 2013. doi: 10.1109/SSD.2013.6564119.
- [C-38]
R. Malti. “Which Lp-Norm for Evaluating Fractional System Performances?” In: IFAC Joint conference SSSC, TDS, FDA. Grenoble, France, Feb. 2013, pp. 571–575. doi: 10.3182/20130204-3-FR-4032.00042.
- [C-39]
S. Victor and R. Malti. “Model order identification for fractional models”. In: European Control Conference ECC’13. Zurich, Switzerland, July 2013. doi: 10.23919/ECC. 2013.6669589.
- [C-40]
M. Chetoui, R. Malti, M. Thomassin, M. Aoun, S. Najar, A. Oustaloup, and M.N. Abdelkrim. “EIV methods for system identification with fractional models”. In: 16th IFAC SYmposium on System IDentification (SYSID). Brussels, Belgium, July 2012. doi:
- [C-41]
M. Chetoui, M. Thomassin, R. Malti, M. Aoun, S. Najar, A. Oustaloup, and M.N. Abdelkrim. “Higher-Order Statistics-based methods for order and parameter estimation of continuous-time errors-in-variables, fractional models”. In: 5th Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (FDA). Nanjing, China, May 2012.
- [C-42]
A. Maachou, R. Malti, P. Melchior, J.-L. Battaglia, A. Oustaloup, and B. Hay. “Application des séries de Volterra non entière à l’identification de systèmes thermiques en conditions extrêmes”. In: Congrès français de thermique. Bordeaux, France, May 29–June 1, 2012.
- [C-43]
R. Malti and M. Thomassin. “Differentiation similarities in fractional pseudo-state space representations and Subspace-based methods”. In: 16th IFAC SYmposium on System IDentification (SYSID). Brussels, Belgium, July 2012. doi: 20120711-3-BE-2027.00321.
- [C-44]
R. Malti and M. Thomassin. “System identification using subspace-based methods and differentiation similarities in fractional pseudo-state space representations”. In: 5th Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (FDA). Nanjing, China, May 2012.
- [C-45]
M. Chetoui, R. Malti, M. Thomassin, M. Aoun, S. Najar, and Abdelkrim M.N. “Third order cumulants based method for continuous-time errors-in-variables system identification by fractional models”. In: 8th IEEE International Conference on Systems, Signals, and Devices (SSD). Sousse, Tunisia, Mar. 2011. doi: 10.1109/SSD.2011. 5767441.
- [C-46]
P. Lanusse, R. Malti, and P. Melchior. “CRONE Control-System Design Toolbox for the control engineering Community”. In: ASME IDETC/CIE Conferences. Washington, DC, USA, Aug. 2011, DETC2011–47286. doi: 10.1115/DETC2011-47286.
- [C-47]
C.F. Lorenzo, R. Malti, and T.T. Hartley. “The solution of linear fractional differential equations using the fractional meta-trigonometric functions”. In: ASME IDETC/CIE Conferences. Washington, DC, USA, Aug. 2011, DETC2011–47395. doi: 10.1115/ DETC2011-47395.
- [C-48]
A. Maachou, R. Malti, P. Melchior, J.-L. Battaglia, A. Oustaloup, and B. Hay. “Application of fractional Volterra series for the identification of thermal diffusion in an ARMCO iron sample subject to large temperature variations”. In: 18th IFAC World Congress. Milan, Italy, Aug. 28–Sept. 2, 2011, pp. 5621–5626. doi: 10.3182/ 20110828-6-IT-1002.02563.
- [C-49]
A. Maachou, R. Malti, P. Melchior, J.-L. Battaglia, A. Oustaloup, and B. Hay. “Identification de systèmes thermiques soumis à de larges variations de température par des modèles utilisant les séries de Volterra non entières”. In: Journées Identification et Modélisation Expérimentale (JIME). Douai, France, Apr. 2011.
- [C-50]
R. Malti, P. Melchior, P. Lanusse, and A. Oustaloup. “Towards an object oriented CRONE toolbox for fractional differential systems”. In: 18th IFAC World Congress. Milan, Italy, Aug. 28–Sept. 2, 2011, pp. 10830–10835. doi: 10.3182/20110828-6-IT- 1002.02443.
- [C-51]
S. Victor, P. Melchior, R. Malti, and A. Oustaloup. “Path tracking with flatness and CRONE control for fractional systems: thermal application”. In: 18th IFAC World Congress. Milan, Italy, Aug. 28–Sept. 2, 2011, pp. 10818–10823. doi: 10.3182/ 20110828-6-IT-1002.02002.
- [C-52]
S. Victor, R. Malti, P. Melchior, and A. Oustaloup. “Instrumental variable identification of hybrid fractional Box-Jenkins models”. In: 18th IFAC World Congress. Milan, Italy, Aug. 28–Sept. 2, 2011, pp. 4314–4319. doi: 10.3182/20110828-6-IT-1002.01107.
- [C-53]
F. Khemane, R. Malti, and X. Moreau. “Identification of driver’s dynamics via fractional model: set membership approach for a visual feedback”. In: 4th IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (FDA). Badajoz, Spain, Oct. 2010.
- [C-54]
F. Khemane, R. Malti, X. Moreau, and J.L. Mermoz. “Identification de la dynamique du conducteur par modèle non entier. Partie 2 : retour proprioceptif par une approche ensembliste”. In: 6ème Conférence Internationale Francophone d’Automatique (CIFA). Nancy, France, June 2010.
- [C-55]
F. Khemane, R. Malti, X. Moreau, T. Raïssi, and M. Thomassin. “Comparison between two set membership methods for frequency domain system identification using fractional models”. In: American Control Conference (ACC). Baltimore, MD, USA, June 30–July 2, 2010, pp. 6704–6709. doi: 10.1109/ACC.2010.5531352.
- [C-56]
C.F. Lorenzo, R. Malti, and T.T. Hartley. “The Space of Neutrally Stable Linear Fractional Oscillators of the Fractional Meta-Trigonometry”. In: 4th IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (FDA). Badajoz, Spain, Oct. 2010.
- [C-57]
A. Maachou, R. Malti, P. Melchior, J.-L. Battaglia, A. Oustaloup, and B. Hay. “Identification par modèles non entiers linéaires d’un système thermique à haute température”. In: 6ème Conférence Internationale Francophone d’Automatique (CIFA). Nancy, France, June 2010.
- [C-58]
A. Maachou, R. Malti, P. Melchior, J.-L. Battaglia, A. Oustaloup, and B. Hay. “Thermal identification using fractional linear models in high temperatures”. In: 4th IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (FDA). Badajoz Spain, Oct. 2010.
- [C-59]
A. Maachou, R. Malti, P. Melchior, J.-L. Battaglia, A. Oustaloup, and B. Hay. “Thermal System Identification for Large Temperature Variations Using Fractional Volterra Series”. In: 4th IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (FDA). Badajoz Spain, Oct. 2010.
- [C-60]
X. Moreau, F. Khemane, R. Malti, and J.L. Mermoz. “Identification de la dynamique du conducteur par modèle non entier. Partie 1 : retour passif et liaison mains/volant”. In: 6ème Conférence Internationale Francophone d’Automatique (CIFA). Nancy, France, June 2010.
- [C-61]
M. Thomassin and R. Malti. “Approche des sous-espaces pour l’identification de modèles non entiers multivariables”. In: 6ème Conférence Internationale Francophone d’Automatique (CIFA). Nancy, France, June 2010.
- [C-62]
R. Malti, J. Sabatier, and H. Akçay. “Thermal modeling and identification of an aluminium rod using fractional calculus”. In: 15th IFAC SYmposium on System IDentification (SYSID). Saint-Malo France, July 2009, pp. 958–963. doi: 10.3182/ 20090706-3-FR-2004.00159.
- [C-63]
M. Thomassin and R. Malti. “Multivariable identification of continuous-time fractional system”. In: ASME IDETC/CIE Conferences. San Diego CA USA, Aug. 30–Sept. 2, 2009, DETC2009–86984. doi: 10.1115/DETC2009-86975.
- [C-64]
M. Thomassin and R. Malti. “Subspace method for continuous-time fractional system identification”. In: 15th IFAC SYmposium on System IDentification (SYSID). Saint-Malo France, July 2009, pp. 880–885. doi:
- [C-65]
S. Victor, R. Malti, P. Melchior, and A. Oustaloup. “From system identification to path planning using fractional approach: a thermal application example”. In: ASME IDETC/CIE Conferences. San Diego CA USA, Aug. 30–Sept. 2, 2009, DETC2009–86984. doi: 10.1115/DETC2009-87014.
- [C-66]
S. Victor, R. Malti, and A. Oustaloup. “Instrumental variable method for identifying fractional Box-Jenkins models”. In: ASME IDETC/CIE Conferences. San Diego CA USA, Aug. 30–Sept. 2, 2009, DETC2009–86984. doi: 10.1115/DETC2009-86984.
- [C-67]
S. Victor, R. Malti, and A. Oustaloup. “Instrumental variable method with optimal fractional differentiation order for continuous-time system identification”. In: 15th IFAC SYmposium on System IDentification (SYSID). Saint-Malo France, July 2009, pp. 904–909. doi: 10.3182/20090706-3-FR-2004.00150.
- [C-68]
H. Akçay and R. Malti. “On the completeness problem for fractional rationals with incommensurable differentiation orders”. In: 17th IFAC World Congress. Seoul South Korea, July 2008, pp. 15367–15371. doi: 10.3182/20080706-5-KR-1001.02599.
- [C-69]
F. Khemane, R. Malti, M. Thomassin, and T. Raïssi. “Set membership estimation of fractional models in the frequency domain”. In: 17th IFAC World Congress. Seoul South Korea, July 2008, pp. 4078–4083. doi: 10.3182/20080706-5-KR-1001.00686.
- [C-70]
X. Moreau, P. Serrier, R. Malti, and F. Khemane. “Analysis of a fractional system composed of an I-element and a fractance”. In: 3rd IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (FDA). Ankara Turkey, Nov. 2008.
- [C-71]
A. Oustaloup, J. Sabatier, P. Lanusse, R. Malti, P. Melchior, X. Moreau, and M. Moze. “An overview of the CRONE approach in system analysis, modeling and identification, observation and control”. In: 17th IFAC World Congress. Seoul South Korea, July 2008, pp. 14254–14265. doi: 10.3182/20080706-5-KR-1001.02416.
- [C-72]
R. Malti, X. Moreau, and F. Khemane. “Resonance of fractional transfer functions of the second kind”. In: 3rd IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (FDA). Ankara Turkey, Nov. 2008.
- [C-73]
R. Malti, T. Raïssi, M. Thomassin, and F. Khemane. “Parameter estimation of fractional models”. In: 3rd IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (FDA). Ankara Turkey, Nov. 2008.
- [C-74]
R. Malti, S. Victor, A. Oustaloup, and H. Garnier. “An optimal instrumental variable method for continuous-time fractional model identification”. In: 17th IFAC World Congress. Seoul South Korea, July 2008, pp. 14379–14384. doi: 10.3182/20080706- 5-KR-1001.02436.
- [C-75]
J. Sabatier, M. Merveillaut, R. Malti, and A. Oustaloup. “On a Representation of Fractional Order Systems: Interests for the Initial Condition Problem”. In: 3rd IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, (FDA). Ankara Turkey, Nov. 2008.
- [C-76]
L. Sommacal, P. Melchior, R. Malti, and A. Oustaloup. “Synthesis of Havriliak-Negami functions for time-domain system identification”. In: 17th World IFAC Congress. Seoul South Korea, July 2008, pp. 14283–14288. doi: 10.3182/20080706-5-KR-1001.02420.
- [C-77]
P. Lanusse, J. Sabatier, R. Malti, P. Melchior, X. Moreau, and A. Oustaloup. “Past and some recent CRONE group applications of fractional differentiation (Part 1)”. In: Symposium on Applied Fractional Calculus. Badajoz Spain, Oct. 2007.
- [C-78]
R. Malti, S. Victor, O. Nicolas, and A. Oustaloup. “System identification using fractional models: State of the art”. In: ASME IDETC/CIE Conferences. Las Vegas NV USA, Sept. 2007, DETC2007–35332. doi: 10.1115/DETC2007-35332.
- [C-79]
L. Thiaw, K. Madani, R. Malti, and G. Sow. “Implementation of recurrent multi-models for system identification”. In: 4th International Conf. on INformatics in COontrol, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO). Angers France, May 2007, pp. 314–321. doi: 10. 5220/0001615503140321.
- [C-80]
S. Victor, R. Malti, and A. Oustaloup. “Comparaison de deux méthodes d’identification non entière”. In: Journées Doctorales et Journées Nationales du GDR MACS du CNRS (JDMACS-JNMACS). Reims, France, July 2007.
- [C-81]
R. Orjuela, R. Malti, M. Moze, and A. Oustaloup. “Prise en compte des conditions initiales lors de la simulation de fonctions de transfert non entières”. In: 4ème Conférence Internationale Francophone d’Automatique (CIFA). Bordeaux, France, May 2006.
- [C-82]
R. Malti, M. Aoun, J. Sabatier, and A. Oustaloup. “Tutorial on system identification using fractional differentiation models”. In: 14th IFAC SYmposium on System IDentification (SYSID). Newcastle Australia, Mar. 2006, pp. 606–611. doi: 10.3182/ 20060329-3-AU-2901.00093.
- [C-83]
M. Aoun, R. Malti, and A. Oustaloup. “Synthesis and simulation of fractional orthonormal bases”. In: 16th IFAC World Congress. Praha Czech Republic, July 2005. doi: 10.3182/20050703-6-CZ-1902.00054.
- [C-84]
K. Madani, L. Thiaw, R. Malti, and G. Sow. “Multi-modeling: A Different Way to Design Intelligent Predictors”. In: International Work Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN). Barcelona Spain, June 2005, pp. 976–984. doi: 10.1007/11494669_1.
- [C-85]
R. Malti and T. Poinot. “Identification par modèles non entiers”. In: Journées Doctorales et Journées Nationales du GDR MACS du CNRS (JDMACS-JNMACS) à l’invitation du Groupe de Travail Identification du GDR MACS. Lyon, France, Sept. 2005.
- [C-86]
M. Aoun, R. Malti, and A. Oustaloup. “Approche généralisée pour la synthèse de bases orthogonales fractionnaires”. In: 3ème Conférence Internationale Francophone d’Automatique (CIFA). Douz Tunisie, Nov. 2004.
- [C-87]
R. Malti, M. Aoun, F. Levron, and A. Oustaloup. “Unified construction of fractional generalized orthogonal basis”. In: 1st IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (FDA). Bordeaux, France, July 2004, pp. 192–199.
- [C-88]
R. Malti, M. Aoun, and A. Oustaloup. “Synthesis of fractional Kautz-like basis with two periodically repeating complex conjugate modes”. In: 1st IEEE International Symposium on Control, Communications and Signal Processing. Hammamet Tunisia, Mar. 2004. doi: 10.1109/ISCCSP.2004.1296575.
- [C-89]
R. Malti and J. Sabatier. “Time-domain system identification using fractional models: a Benchmark”. In: 1st IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (FDA). Bordeaux, France, July 2004, pp. 315–320.
- [C-90]
J. Sabatier and R. Malti. “Simulation of fractional systems: a benchmark”. In: 1st IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (FDA). Bordeaux, France, July 2004, pp. 669–674.
- [C-91]
M. Aoun, R. Malti, F. Levron, and A. Oustaloup. “Numerical simulations of fractional systems”. In: ASME IDETC/CIE Conferences. Chicago Il USA, Sept. 2003, DETC2003/VIB–48389. doi: 10.1115/DETC2003/VIB-48389.
- [C-92]
M. Aoun, R. Malti, F. Levron, and A. Oustaloup. “Orthonormal basis functions for modeling continuous-time fractional systems”. In: 13th IFAC SYmposium on System IDentification (SYSID). Rotterdam The Netherlands, Aug. 2003. doi: 10.1016/S1474- 6670(17)34945-5.
- [C-93]
R. Malti, M. Aoun, J.-L. Battaglia, A. Oustaloup, and K. Madani. “Fractional multimodels - Application to heat transfer modeling”. In: 13th IFAC SYmposium on System IDentification (SYSID). Rotterdam The Netherlands, Aug. 2003. doi: 10. 1016/S1474-6670(17)34999-6.
- [C-94]
R. Malti, M. Aoun, O. Cois, and A. Oustaloup. “H2 norm of fractional differential systems”. In: ASME IDETC/CIE Conferences. Vol. DETC2003/VIB-48387. Chicago Il USA, Sept. 2003. doi: 10.1115/DETC2003/VIB-48387.
- [C-95]
L. Thiaw, R. Malti, and K. Madani. “A Multiple Models Approach for Nonlinear Systems Identification: Comparison between ANN Based and Conventional Implementation”. In: 3rd International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence (ICNNAI). Minsk Belarus, Nov. 2003.
- [C-96]
M. Aoun, R. Malti, O. Cois, and A. Oustaloup. “System identification using fractional Hammerstein models”. In: 15th IFAC World Congress. Barcelona Spain, July 2002. doi: 10.3182/20020721-6-ES-1901.01030.
- [C-97]
R. Malti, O. Cois, M. Aoun, F. Levron, and A. Oustaloup. “Energy of fractional order transfer functions”. In: 15th IFAC World Congress. Barcelona Spain, July 2002. doi: 10.3182/20020721-6-ES-1901.00156.
- [C-98]
R. Malti, D. Maquin, and J. Ragot. “Approximation pondérée par filtres de Laguerre”. In: Journées Identification et Modélisation Expérimentale (JIME). Nancy, France, Mar. 2001.
- [C-99]
R. Malti, D. Maquin, and J. Ragot. “Optimum generalized orthonormal basis networks for a class of discrete-time systems”. In: 14th IFAC World Congress. Beijing China, July 1999. doi: 10.1016/S1474-6670(17)56301-6.
- [C-100]
R. Malti, D. Maquin, and J. Ragot. “Some results on the convergence of transfer function expansions on the Laguerre series”. In: European Control Conference (ECC) Invited session: Identification using orthogonal functions. Vol. F1064-1. Karlsruhe Germany, Aug. 31–Sept. 3, 1999.
- [C-101]
R. Malti, D. Maquin, and J. Ragot. “Optimality conditions for the truncated network of the discrete generalized orthonormal basis having real poles”. In: 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Tampa Fl USA, Dec. 1998. doi: 10.1109/CDC.1998. 758665.
- [C-102]
R. Malti, D. Maquin, and J. Ragot. “Identification par multimodèles à base de filtres de Laguerre”. In: Colloque de Recherche Doctorale, Automatique, Génie Informatique, Image et Signal AGIS. Vol. 1. Angers France, Dec. 1997, pp. 1–6.
Conference proceedings – Pedagogy
- [PC-1]
R. Malti and M. Leyney. “Do Ré Mi Fa Sol La S T M 32”. In: CETSIS 2023 : Colloque de l’Enseignement des Technologies et des Sciences de l’Information et des Systèmes. Reims, France, June 2023. url:
- [PC-2]
S. Bouter, R. Malti, and C. Armand. “Identification and control of a variable speed drive: an interdisciplinary teaching approach”. In: 20th European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE) Conference. Valencia Spain, June 22–24, 2009. doi: 10.1109/EAEEIE.2009.5335458.
- [PC-3]
S. Bouter, R. Malti, and C. Armand. “Identification et commande d’un groupe variateur de vitesse : une approche inter-disciplinaire”. In: 7ème Colloque sur l’Enseignement des Technologies et des Sciences de l’Information et des Systèmes (CETSIS). Brusels, Belgium, Oct. 2008.
- [PC-4]
S. Bouter, R. Malti, and H. Frémont. “Development of an HMI Based on the OPC Standard”. In: 19th European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE) Conference. Tallinn Estonia, June–July 2008, pp. 163–167. doi: 10.1109/EAEEIE.2008.4610179.
- [PC-5]
S. Bouter and R. Malti. “Développement d’une IHM basée sur le standard OPC”. In: 6ème Colloque sur l’Enseignement des Technologies et des Sciences de l’Information et des Systèmes (CETSIS). Bordeaux, France, Oct. 2007.
- [PC-6]
S. Bouter and R. Malti. “Mise en oeuvre d’un bus de terrain CAN à partir du microcontrôleurs HC12”. In: 6ème Colloque sur l’Enseignement des Technologies et des Sciences de l’Information et des Systèmes (CETSIS). Bordeaux, France, Oct. 2007.
- [PC-7]
R. Malti and S. Bouter. “Pilotage du bus I2C à partir du microcontrôleur HCS12”. In: 6ème Colloque sur l’Enseignement des Technologies et des Sciences de l’Information et des Systèmes (CETSIS). Bordeaux, France, Sept. 2007.
Other: Seminars, Presentations or posters in small workshops
- [O-1]
S. Et-Taj, M. Chevrié, R. Malti, Moze M., F. Aioun, and F. Guillemard. Vers une prise de décision fiable et robuste pour la conduite autonome en milieu urbain. First IFAC-x France conference, SAGIP. Marseille, France. 2023.
- [O-2]
O.E. Tijani, S. Serra, S. Sochard, H. Viot, Au. Hénon, R. Malti, P. Lanusse, and J.-M. Renaume. Transient Modelling and Simulation for Optimal future management of a District Heating Network. 30e congrès français de thermique. Valenciennes, France. June 2023. url:
- [O-3]
R. Malti, M. R. Rapaić, and V. Turkulov. Exponential Stability Analysis of Linear (Irrational) Systems in the Parametric Space - A Constraint Satisfaction Problem. International Online Seminar on Interval Methods in Control Engineering. Oct. 2022. url:
- [O-4]
A. Mayoufi, S. Victor, R. Malti, M. Chetoui, and M. Aoun. An optimal instrumental variable approach for continuous-time mul- tiple input-single output fractional model identification. 4e Journées Identification et modélisation expérimentale. Caen, France, June 2020. url:
- [O-5]
A. Mayoufi, S. Victor, R. Malti, and M. Aoun. Dynamic harmonic regression approach for global terrestrial temperature system identification. Journées Doctorales et Journées Nationales du GDR MACS du CNRS (JDMACS-JNMACS). Bordeaux, France, 2019.
- [O-6]
S. Abrashov, F. Aioun, F. Guillemard, X. Moreau, and R. Malti. Etude et modélisation du conducteur. Journée Poster PSA, Vélizy-Villacoublay. Oct. 2016.
- [O-7]
S. Abrashov, X. Moreau, and R. Malti. Identification du conducteur pour la conception des systèmes d’aide à la conduite. Journées de l’Automatique de GDR MACS (JAMACS), GT Identification et GT Automatique et Automobile, Lille. Nov. 2016.
- [O-8]
S. Abrashov, F. Aioun, F. Guillemard, X. Moreau, and R. Malti. Etude et modélisation du conducteur. Journée Poster PSA, Vélizy-Villacoublay. Sept. 2015.
- [O-9]
S. Abrashov, X. Moreau, R. Malti, F. Aioun, and F. Guillemard. Etude et modélisation du conducteur pour la conception de systèmes d’assistance à la conduite. Groupe de Travail Automatique et Automobile de GDR MACS (GTAA), Bordeaux. Oct. 2015.
- [O-10]
S. Abrashov, R. Malti, X. Moreau, and M. Moze. Planification d’expériences pour les systèmes à dérivées non entières. Groupe de travail Identification du GDR MACS du CNRS. Paris, France, Apr. 2015.
- [O-11]
R. Malti, S. Victor, P. Lanusse, P. Melchior, and A. Oustaloup. Object oriented CRONE toolbox for system identification and control. Journées de l’Automatique du GDR MACS. Grenoble, France, Oct. 2015.
- [O-12]
R. Malti, S. Victor, P. Melchior, and P. Lanusse. Object oriented CRONE toolbox for engineering sciences. Mechanics through Mathematical Modelling (MTMM). Novi Sad, Serbia, Sept. 2015.
- [O-13]
S. Abrashov, X. Moreau, R. Malti, F. Aioun, and F. Guillemard. Etude et modélisation du conducteur. Journée Poster PSA, Vélizy-Villacoublay. Oct. 2014.
- [O-14]
S. Abrashov, R. Malti, M. Moze, and X. Moreau. Poster: Experiment design in system Identification using fractional models. Groupe de travail Identification du GDR MACS du CNRS. Paris, France. Mar. 2014.
- [O-15]
E. Ivanova, R. Malti, and X. Moreau. Poster: Frequency-domain subspace system identification with fractional differentiation models. Groupe de travail Identification du GDR MACS du CNRS. Paris, France. Mar. 2014.
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F. Khemane, R. Malti, and X. Moreau. Fractional model parameter estimation in the frequency domain using set membership methods. Small Workshop on Interval Methods (SWIM). Bourges, France, June 2011.
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S. Victor, P. Melchior, R. Malti, J. Sabatier, and Oustaloup A. Identification par modèles non entiers pour la poursuite de trajectoire par platitude : application à un barreau thermique. Journées de la Section Automatique du Club EEA. Démonstrateurs en Automatique à vocation recherche. Angers, France. 2010.
- [O-18]
F. Khemane, R. Malti, M. Thomassin, T Raïssi, and X. Moreau. Estimation fréquentielle garantie d’un modèle à dérivées non entières. Action thématique Systèmes à Dérivées Non Entières. Bordeaux, France, June 2009.
- [O-19]
F. Khemane, R. Malti, M. Thomassin, T Raïssi, and X. Moreau. Estimation fréquentielle garantie d’un modèle à dérivées non entières. Groupe de travail Identification du GDR MACS du CNRS. Paris, France, Nov. 2008.
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S. Victor, R. Malti, A. Oustaloup, and H. Garnier. Variable instrumentale optimale pour l’identification de systèmes à dérivées fractionnaires. Groupe de Travail Identification du GdR MACS du CNRS. Paris, France, Dec. 2007.
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R. Malti. Développement d’IHM sous VS.NET en se basant sur la technologie OPC et les outils Applicom. 33ème Colloque des départements GEII. Montpellier, France, June 2006.
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L. Thiaw, K. Madani, R. Malti, and G. Sow. NARMAX multi-model based dynamic nonlinear systems behaviour prediction. IAR-ICD Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis. Mulhouse, France, Nov. 2005.
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M. Aoun, R. Malti, and A. Oustaloup. Développements mathématiques autour des modèles fractionnaires : application à l’identification de systèmes. Groupe de Travail Identification du GdR MACS du CNRS. Paris, France, May 2004.
- [O-24]
A. Oustaloup, P. Lanusse, P. Melchior, R. Malti, X. Moreau, N. Petit, and J. Sabatier. 17 Posters: a survey on the CRONE approach. 1st IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (FDA). Bordeaux, France. July 19, 2004.
- [O-25]
M. Aoun, R. Malti, F. Levron, and A. Oustaloup. Généralisation des fonctions de Laguerre à des ordres de dérivation fractionnaires. Action thématique Systèmes à Dérivées Non Entières. Bordeaux, France, Oct. 2003.
- [O-26]
M. Aoun, R. Malti, F. Levron, and A. Oustaloup. Nouvelle base orthonormale pour l’identification de systèmes non entiers. Action thématique Systèmes à Dérivées Non Entières. Bordeaux, France, Mar. 2003.
- [O-27]
M. Aoun, R. Malti, F. Levron, and A. Oustaloup. Simulations de systèmes d’ordre non entier. Action thématique Systèmes à Dérivées Non Entières. Bordeaux, France, Mar. 2003.
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L. Thiaw, R. Malti, and K. Madani. First comparative study between linear and neural based local models in multi-modeling. IAR-ICD Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis. Duisburg, Germany, Nov. 2003.
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R. Malti, M. Aoun, F. Levron, and A. Oustaloup. Norme H2 ou énergie de la réponse impulsionnelle de systèmes à dérivées fractionnaires. Action thématique Systèmes à Dérivées Non Entières. Nantes, France, Oct. 2002.
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R. Malti. Représentation optimale de systèmes sur la base orthogonale généralisée. Groupe de travail Identification du GDR MACS du CNRS. Paris, France, Apr. 1999.
- [O-31]
R. Malti and J. Ragot. Modélisation et identification en utilisant les fonctions de Laguerre. Groupe de travail Identification du GDR MACS du CNRS. Paris, France. 1997.